The methodology regarding the organization and development of the doctoral admission contest 2021-2022.
Regulation on the organization and conduct of Doctoral Studies in the Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 2020.
Regulation on the organization and conduct of Doctoral Studies at POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 2020.
Regulation on the qualification and granting of the quality of Doctoral Supervisor in IOSUD – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 2021.
Regulation on the organization and conduct of University Doctoral Studies in the Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 2019.
Regulation on the organization and conduct of Doctoral Studies at POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 2018.
Regulation on the organization and conduct of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies for the academic year 2020 -2021.